Sunday, March 21, 2010

Visiting the San Diego Botanic Gardens

Hanging out in the bamboo forest. Be careful if you plant bamboo in your yard - it may take over! They have to put plastic walls in the ground to stop the roots from spreading and growing new bamboo trees in the pathway.

This is the giant bamboo section as illustrated by Debbie. Debbie is big but the bamboo is bigger.

In our little grass hut. The climate is San Diego is so nice that heat and A/C is not necessary.

Michael is in Australia with the koala bears (they very too shy to have their photo taken). In fact, one was hiding behind Michael and grabbing onto his back with his claws - hence Michael's pained expression.
Climbing the tree house in the "children's" garden. Why do kids get all the cool stuff? It's definitely discrimination!
Micheal took the easy way to the top of the treehouse. He doesn't get a lollipop.
There were water falls in the rain forest section. Unfortunately, no climbing allowed.

Hanging out in Coronado

Michael rides the waves in true surfer fashion.

Debbie pets the local livestock at the ice cream parlor.